Call Governor Phil Scott to sign the Vermont Kids Code

Vermont has the opportunity this session to pass the Vermont Kids Code and lead the nation in protecting kids online. The Vermont Kids Code is a consumer protection bill that requires common sense practices of privacy and safety from the start to ensure that the digital world where kids play is designed age appropriately. The legislation would protect kids online by:

  • Requiring online products and services likely accessed by kids to be designed for their protection and privacy.

  • Ensuring all settings are the most private by default for children.

  • Providing easily accessible reporting tools for privacy and inappropriate behavior concerns.

Please call Governor Phil Scott to sign the Vermont Kids Code and urge him to support the Vermont Kids Code.

Here are some talking points to mention on your call:

  • The Vermont Kids Code is a chance for Vermont to lead the nation to make the digital world safe for children.
  • Bold landmark legislation in the Age Appropriate Design Code, otherwise known as the “Kids Code,” is a consumer protection bill that requires common sense practices of privacy and safety from the start to ensure that the digital world where kids play is designed age appropriately.
  • Similar legislation has been in effect in the UK for two years and has compelled Big Tech to change the designs of their products to put kids’ best interests first. The legislation has already been signed into law in California and Maryland recently passed the kids code this session, join the growing movement of states across the country committed to protecting their most vulnerable populationand introduced in many other states. Companies have the technical capacity to make these life-saving changes, they are choosing not.
  • Children across the globe are facing an unprecedented mental health crisis. Children across the nation are facing an unprecedented mental health crisis. 46% of teenagers say they lose sleep daily due to feeling "stuck" on social media platforms. And 50% of parents of children feel their children's mental health has suffered over the last year due to social media.
  • Vermont legislators worked with local coalition of members of the business community, health care practitioners, educators, parents, and youth to ensure the Vermont Kids Code’s provisions are narrowly tailored to prevent bad actors from misusing children’s personal data and promoting harmful design practices while continuing to facilitate innovation and meet the unique needs of Vermont’s startup community.
  • The digital world is designed by adults, for adults, often in ways that are risky by design for children. It's time to put the safety and privacy of children at the forefront of the design of digital platforms. As your constituent, I urge you to support the Vermont Kids Code. Can I count on you to support this vital bipartisan legislation to protect kids online?
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