2024 WFSE Lobby Days

No other workforce has more at stake in decisions made by elected officials. State employees can't afford to not be involved in politics. We are proud that WFSE has the most robust member lobby program in the state of Washington. Members will travel to Olympia to lobby their legislators on issues that impact state employees. Join your union siblings to build political power and build our union.
Find your district here, then sign up for the corresponding lobby day on the right.
WFSE Member Lobby Days
- LPA will cover the cost of mileage or airfare & rental car (carpooling is highly encouraged when possible) and lodging for members coming to Olympia for their scheduled Lobby Day and if LPA requests that a member testify at a legislative hearing. Note that pre-approval is required for reimbursement of airfare and car rental.
- All lodging must be pre-approved, and members must acquire a hotel folio upon check-out which is required to be provided with the member expense form for reimbursement. Please keep in mind that lodging accommodation is intended only for those who must travel greater than 50 miles to attend.
- For those traveling on pre-approved overnight lodging, one dinner meal will be reimbursed for the night prior to the event. All other meals that are not provided at the event are a member/local expense. All receipts must be ‘itemized’ to receive reimbursement.
- LPA does not pay time loss for this event.
- LPA provides breakfast, lunch and snacks during Lobby Days.
- Member Lobby Days are held at the LPA Office, 906 Columbia St. SW, Olympia, in the LPA 5th floor large conference room.
Questions? Contact LPA to discuss any situation not specifically covered above. Lack of resources should never be a barrier to member participation. We’re happy to partner with members and locals whenever possible. Contact Denise Mulholland DeniseM@wfse.org.