Councillor Lynn Wetenhall, Newtown & St Leonard's ward?

1 hour of your time over the next 8 weeks could mean a 2nd Green Councillor in Newtown & St Leonard's!

The City Council elections are on Thursday May 2nd.

There is a real possibility that we can win a second seat in Newtown & St Leonards, growing the size and influence of our Green Councillor group and securing a strong voice for local residents.

You can help make this happen!

Just one hour of your time between now and May 2nd could make the difference. There are so many different ways to help - delivering election leaflets, taking photos, supporting the candidate, being a bike courier delivering out leaflets to volunteers,  help with design of leaflets, canvassing (honestly not scary, and the single most important way to persuade people to vote Green).

If you are already helping - and so many of you are - thank you. If you do have the odd hour to spare and haven't yet been in touch, we would love to hear from you.

Just message Lynn on 07977 441 4613 or email  

Thank you!   Lynn & Andy

Lynn Wetenhall, Green Candidate & Andy Ketchin, Green Councillor, Newtown & St Leonard's ward

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