Agenda for Members meeting, 7.00 - 9.00pm, Wednesday October 18th

Draft Agenda for Oct 18th Members Meeting 7.00 - 9.00pm

Venue : Citygate Pub, 1 Iron Bridge (corner of Iron Bridge, Paul Street and Bartholomew St East.   Meeting room towards the rear of the pub, past the kitchens.

1. Welcome!

2. Motion: Selection of May 2024 EGP election candidates
Proposed by Jon Ashe

Exeter Green Party has just started the process to select the candidates who will stand for the ‘target’ wards. Interviews by an independent Panel of Members will be completed by October 15th.

On Friday 6th, Members listened to EC discuss how selection will happen after the interviews as this detail is currently not agreed. A Motion has been submitted in response to that discussion. Members will vote live in the room on the Motion

3. Decision on target wards for the May 2024 Exeter City Council elections

EC has received a detailed report from a working group, based on the Green Party recommended process for choosing the limited number of wards that our party has the capacity to run a campaign in. Members of the Target Ward Selection panel will be present in case there are questions.

The Executive Committee has therefore now agreed the chosen wards for the May 2024 campaign: Heavitree, Newtown St Leonards, St Davids and Pennsylvania.

The Panel suggested that with sufficient funds and volunteers, we could possibly start a new campaign in Alphington early in 2024

4. Confirmation of appointed officers

At its meeting on October 6th, the Executive Committee (EC) appointed a set of officers, who hold specific roles and thereby access to elements of the local Party’s digital systems. Exeter Green Party’s Constitution requires Members to approve these appointments at the first Members meeting following the EC meeting.   The following officer roles were appointed:

Election Agent                                                 TJ Milburn

Treasurer                                                       TJ Milburn

Communications officer                                 Andrew Bell

Fundraising & Events                                     Tess Read & Adrian Allery

Data / Operations                                           Jonathan Dawson

Volunteer Support                                           Lynn Wetenhall

Student Liaison                                               Bernadette Chelvanyagam & Robert Lyness

(Exeter University Green Society)

5.  Report from the Executive Committee

Including notice of change to the makeup of the Executive Committee, elected July 27th 2023. Members are asked to note that Amy Sparling, elected as joint Elections Coordinator, has now stood down from her role, leaving Caitlin Lovic in post. EC thanks Amy for the work she has put in.

The EC is therefore now:

Local Party Coordinator         Catherine Rees & Pete Callaghan

Elections Coordinator             Caitlin Lovic

Volunteer Coordinator           Eric Helianthus

6. Miscellaneous

a.           Any questions or suggestions from Members?

b.           Any events to share that Members might be interested in?

7. Dates for your diary

Saturday 25th November: 7-10pm: Social and fundraising event. More details to follow.

Friday 1st December 7-9pm: Executive Committee meeting. Likely to be online.

yours sincerely,

Joint Coordinators, Catherine Rees and Peter Callaghan

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