Applying for Executive Committee officer posts

Election of new Executive Committee on Sept 6th 2022

Exeter Green Party's constitution provides for an Executive Committee, elected by Members at each Annual General Meeting.  There are three elected officer roles. These three officers manage the party on a week by week basis.

The three roles are: Party Coordinator, Elections Coordinator and Volunteer Coordinator. There is more information on what each role covers at the bottom of this page.

Any member can put themselves forward as an applicant for one of the posts. Role-shares are encouraged, and if you are interested but not quite ready yet, there is the chance to 'shadow' a post-holder and learn the ropes.  If you are elected, you will be able to call on extensive support from the previous post-holders. There are also a growing group of volunteers who work alongside the Executive Committee- this isn't about doing it all alone.

If you wish to stand as one of the three elected officers,
you will need to submit your application for one of the posts by midday on Monday August 22nd.

If you are interested in finding out more about standing as an elected member of Executive Committee, you are strongly encouraged to have a chat to one of the existing Executive Committee members, Chris Musgrave, party coordinator 07872301974;; Tom Hewat, Elections Coordinator 07854045598,; or Lynn Wetenhall, Volunteers Coordinator 0797 4414613,

The post-holders will be elected at an Extraordinary General Meeting, 7.00pm Tuesday Sept 6th.

To stand for election as an elected officer, email, by 12.00pm on August 22nd, (two weeks ahead of the EGM, to give members time to read your application ahead of the EGM. The application must include:  Your name, the post you wish to stand for and separate document with  a 200 maximum word statement which:

  1. Provides information on any involvement you have had with Exeter Green Party since May 2021; or if you have recently moved to Exeter, any involvement with the local Green Party where you previously lived. This should be as specific as possible
  2. Why you want to stand for the Executive Committee in the role you are applying for
  3. The skills and experience that you believe you would bring to the role

Everyone's statements will be available for members to read in advance of the AGM, to enable those attending and voting to make an informed decision. At the AGM, applicants will be asked to answer any questions put to them by members, then there will be secret ballot using a digital voting system.

The newly elected officers' will be in post immediately, although in practice, there will need to be a handover period, given the number of things on which newly elected officers will need briefing on regarding each role's management systems.


Party Coordinator

The purpose of this role is to ensure the internal work of the party progresses throughout the year. This includes but is not limited to: ensuring regular meetings take place, consulting key stakeholders such as members, candidates and councillors on key operational decisions. The postholder will also support the Treasurer, Election Agent, Secretary and specialist volunteers to deliver on tasks associated with their roles. The Party Coordinator will also maintain a register of key operational decisions which will be made available to members on request.

Elections Coordinator

The purpose of this role is to ensure that the party is delivering on our agreed election strategy. This entails ensuring regular door knocking and literature delivery takes place during both the long and short election campaigns. The Elections Coordinator has sign-off responsibility for election literature and policy recommendations from the Policy Working Group. The postholder also supports the Election Agent and Data Manager to deliver on tasks associated with their roles.

Volunteer Coordinator

The purpose of this role is to ensure that the party is recruiting and mobilising volunteers for election work and roles that support Exeter Green Party’s collective work. This entails delivering activities to recruit new volunteers, delivering regular training to volunteers and supporting them to deliver on tasks agreed as part of the party’s election strategy. The Volunteer Coordinator supports the Ward Managers to deliver on tasks associated with their roles which concern literature bundling, round allocation, literature delivery and year-round door knocking.

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