Come and chat with voters or deliver literature in Herefordshire!

Campaign sessions: chatting with voters and delivering literature

Session details to the right ↗

You can make a difference this May
The local elections are getting close and we need your help chatting with voters and delivering literature to get Greens elected in Herefordshire so that we can continue fighting for people and planet and lay down the ground work for getting the next Green MP elected at the next general election - Ellie Chowns!

Weekly sessions
Starting on 24th March we're hosting sessions every Friday, Saturday and Sunday across Herefordshire so there are plenty of options - find the details to the right.

Please arrive promptly on time. If you're running late let one of us know (contact details below), otherwise there may not be anyone to greet you!

Please come dressed smart casually without badges, rosettes or any other branding. We won't judge you, but our Conservative voters, who we have to persuade to vote Green to get candidates elected, will!

View the session map
To help you work out where to go we've created a map of all our session locations with dates and times, plus train stations, click here for the map.

To chat with voters, we're running two online training sessions on 23rd March 6pm - 7pm, and on 5th April 6pm - 8pm. Sign up here. There will also be training available on the day but please attend an online session if you can to make the best use of time on the day.

Bad weather?
Unless there's a storm or heavy rain, we'll be going ahead! If it's raining please bring a wet coat, umbrella, and a plastic bag. If you're unsure if a session is happening please give us a ring, but we'll phone you if we need to cancel.