Could you be one of our Exeter Green Councillors in 2023?

Could you be one of Exeter's new Green Councillors next year?

The 2023 campaign to win more Green Councillors in Exeter is about to begin and we will shortly commence candidate selection for 13 city wards, plus a number of ‘reserve’ candidates.

Last year, the party’s target wards, (that is, the wards where we have a serious chance of getting a councillor elected) were Heavitree, Newtown St Leonards and St Davids with Pennsylvania identified as a development ward. The Executive has determined the same targets for 2023, (with possible further development wards if we have the capacity to work in them), and target candidates are required ie people who want to become councillors.

If you care about Exeter, want to see it blossom and are full of great green ideas, you should think about becoming a candidate. Being a councillor is designed around the assumption that councillors have full-time jobs so being a councillor is possible for people with limited time committments

What's the process?

Under existing target candidate selection arrangements, we are running an open selection. This means any member can put themselves forward for consideration by the party. The selection process will run as follows:

  • 29th June nominations open6th July nominations close
  • 8-10th July target candidate interviews
  • 13th July all-member OPA vote open
  • 20th July OPA vote closes - target candidates confirmed.

Who can apply?

Although all members are encouraged to apply, please note that target candidate status will normally only be offered to members with a demonstrable commitment to campaigning within the local party. Most target candidates spend time volunteering on target campaigns before applying and/or stand as development candidates for at least a year before selection.

The purpose of target candidate interviews is to practically assess whether you can commit the amount of time entailed with campaigning and actually performing the role of local councillor. All candidates, even sitting councillors who's term is ended, are required to attend an interview as the process also helps to identify any support the local party can offer based on candidates' individual needs. The interview panel will then make a recommendation to the Executive who in turn approve candidates for the all-member OPA vote.

Be a 'paper' or trainee candidate

In addition to target and development candidates, the party is seeking a number of non-target candidates to ensure all residents of Exeter have the opportunity to vote Green. If you are interested in being a candidate or simply in more information, please complete the application form here; (you will need to download and save the document to your own device). Or email

Our local party is bursting with talent, experience and skills that would be of great benefit to Exeter.

Remember, candidates don’t need to be a current Green Party member, (though you would have to join the Green Party by the time of interview / have resigned from any other political party membership), and we’re particularly interested in receiving applications from people in under-represented groups.

Deadline for application is July 6th.

Please complete the application form here

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