Executive Committee Annual Report

Executive Committee Annual Report, July 2024

Written by Bernadette Chelvanayagam (Chair) with contributions from Eric Helianthus (Elections Coordinator) Thomas Richardson (Young Greens Officer) and Chris Musgrave (Election Agent)

Events between Annual General Meeting (AGM) July 2023 to Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) March 2024:

  • New Executive Committee (Executive) elected 27th July 2023: Catherine Rees & Pete Callaghan as joint Party Coordinator, Amy Sparling & Caitlin Lovic as joint Elections Coordinator and Eric Helianthus as Volunteers Coordinator.

  • Amy Sparling resigned in October 2023, Caitlin now sole Elections Coordinator.

  • Members’ Meeting held in October 2023, a motion was proposed, discussed and passed requesting a deadline for a membership vote on prospective ‘target’ candidates for the Exeter City Council (ECC) elections in 2024.

  • Caitlin Lovic resigned in November 2023, Elections Coordinator role vacant but responsibilities shared among remaining Executive.

  • 1st December 2023, remaining Executive Officers resigned leaving TJ Milburn as Treasurer and Lynn Wetenhall as Volunteer Support Officer and ‘Point of Contact’ for Regional and National Green Party. These two officers remained in post until the EGM held in March

  • January 2024, Petition put forward by 22 members, in line with constitution, asking SW Green Party to call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to re-establish an Executive

  • EGM held 23rd March 2024: A new constitution voted in (recommended model local Green Party constitution) and a new Executive elected - the new constitution required an Executive of 4-12 Officers including Chair, Treasurer, Elections Coordinator, Secretary and Volunteers Coordinator. The following were elected Bernadette Chelvanayagam as Chair, TJ Milburn as Treasurer, Jonathan Dawson as Elections Coordinator, Moragh Mason as Secretary and Peter Cleasby as Volunteers Coordinator.

  • Jonathan Dawson and Peter Cleasby resigned a few days later; the committee co-opted Eric Helianthus as Elections Coordinator and Chris Musgrave as Elections Agent, in line with the constitution

  • The Executive created the role of Young Greens Officer and co-opted Thomas Richardson (President of Exeter Uni’s Green Society)

  • 19th June 2024, the Executive called an EGM to vote on the co-options made to the Executive since March and consider a number of constitutional amendments proposed by a member. Each of the co-options were approved and with a few amendments, each of the amendments were passed overwhelmingly; one such amendment was changing the size of the Executive from a capacity of 4-12 officers to a capacity of 5 officers.

Actions taken from EGM March 2024:

  • From 23rd March 2024 delivered the campaign for the 2024 Exeter ECC election and subsequent snap General Election.

  • Held weekly Executive meetings during election periods.

  • Within a few days of co-options to the Executive the Chair, Elections Agent and Elections Coordinator processed the candidate papers in time for ECC’s 5th April deadline the following week.

  • In the city election, we ran 3 target campaigns and 2 development campaigns, winning 2 seats and coming a close second in a further 2.

  • In the general election, we delivered a city wide newsletter and approx 25,000 additional election items.

  • Between the 2 election campaigns, we fundraised approx £6,000.

  • In April organised a phone bank of members and volunteers.

  • Setup and supported a modest General Election campaign.

  • Organised Exeter University Green Soc Action Day to Bristol Central.

  • Increased and improved member communications.

  • Facilitated post election review, Q&A with Executive, held members meetings.

  • Had a meeting between the Executive and Councillor Group.

  • Worked with and received support from our regional Field Officer, SW regional party Chair, and Green Party Head of Elections.

  • Set up a digital team.

  • Set up a growing volunteers team which includes upgrades to the website, piloting the upgrade of ward canvassing and delivery rounds.

  • Created a new members welcome pack.

  • Organised social events for members and volunteers.

  • Created a Draft 12 month Election Plan for the Devon County Council (DCC) Elections, May 2025.


We have gone through ups and downs but we always come through, and it hasn’t stopped us from becoming the second largest party on Exeter City Council, and the official opposition alongside the Lib Dems in the Progressive Group.

No group in history is without conflict or disagreements, and politics is an area where fierce and loyal connections are made, emotions can run high, and different ideas coexist about how party business should be done.

However, we have an updated constitution, tried and tested processes, and learnings from things that have not worked in the party. From this, we will build.

The more we grow and attract diverse members and volunteers to our party, different challenges will present themselves.

To be resilient to these changes and growth, we need to build effective relationships with focused, disciplined and adaptable ways of working as well as sticking to the requirements of our constitution, transparency and accountability to our members, and following national strategies.

History shows us that extreme inequality and poverty gives rise to extreme harmful narratives and actions in society. We are in a time of extreme intergenerational social inequalities, disempowerment, mistrust, warfare and environmental degradation. We see these issues and impacts in Exeter.

The unifying element for us in the party is the dream of a better, more equitable, safer and cleaner Exeter - for all our residents.

Our Green councillors and anyone involved in their elections will tell you that it takes hard work, discipline, focus, connection and plenty of human and financial resources just to get one councillor elected. We want to encourage anyone interested in supporting us, in small or big ways to get involved. Everyone has skills and life experiences whatever age. This is enough for political participation. Stepping out of your comfort zone is an act of revolution!

With the election of 4 Green MPs, Exeter Green Party is in a world of possibilities. We are poised for serious growth and electoral success, such as winning our first County Councillors, control of Exeter City Council, and even gaining our first ever Green MP!

Exeter Green Party needs you!

If you’re interested in volunteering to help EGP achieve these aims, please get in touch via hello@exeter.greenparty.org.uk even if you’ve never volunteered before; there are plenty of people that are happy and willing to share their experience. We look forward to working with you.

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