Executive Committee Changes (Spring 2023)

Under Exeter Green Party’s constitution, the party elects an Executive Committee made up of the following roles: Local Party Coordinator, Elections Coordinator, and Volunteer Coordinator. Among other things the committee is responsible for executing the party’s agreed strategy and taking any decisions necessary (collectively or independently) to achieve this. We elected a full committee on 6 September 2022 at an Extraordinary General Meeting and elected a new Elections Coordinator at the members meeting on 16 November 2022 after the previous (joint) Elections Coordinators stood down. Unfortunately, since then, our Volunteer Coordinator, Elections Coordinator and one of our joint Local Party Coordinators have also stood down. That just leaves one Local Party Coordinator.
Exeter Green Party falls under the South West Region of the national party and SW staff have advised us that, combined with our Agent and Treasurer, we are still covering the key functions of the party and can continue as we are even if not ideal. At this late stage before the election in May it might not be practical to try to induct new members to the committee. That said, if anyone is keen to put themselves forward please contact coordinator@exeter.greenparty.org.uk . Alternatively, if you don’t want to join the committee formally but would like to support in any way do get in touch.
Given the difficulty we have had in retaining members on the committee we plan to take stock after the elections and consider what changes may be needed to ensure we have a local party that is sustainable in the longer term.

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