Exeter Green Party fun fundraising event. Saturday 25th November 7.00pm

Fun, friendly social fundraiser, all welcome

Saturday November 25th 7.00 - 10.00pm

We are delighted to invite you to our forthcoming fundraising event. Nibbles, laughter, merriment and general putting the world to rights will be provided!

Please send in what you could offer for our auction of promises, e.g. gardening, bike servicing, a celebration cake made etc. It will also be wonderful if you can bring anything for our raffle or Tombola.

Please bring something you would like to drink and a glass or cup to drink from.

Winning more Green City Councillors costs money  - please bring cash and a card!

Please RSVP to Tess via hello@exeter.greenparty.org.uk so we have an idea of how many people care coming

Where? Cllr Tess Read’s house, 18 Palace Gate, EX1 1JA. Press the entry button on the large gate, then walk to your right diagonally to find the front door tucked around the corner following the path towards it near the bike racks. What3words. https://w3w.co/works.guilty.boots

Hope to see you there! Councillor Tess Read

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