Fully Fund MNPS in 2021

In a historic decision that reverses a generation of chronic and systematic underfunding of MNPS, Mayor Cooper has created a budget that fully funds the MNPS budget ask.

This includes fixing the salary schedule that had become stagnant due to a decade of largely frozen salaries and will result in an average raise of $6,900/educator.

What's Next?

We need you to contact your metro council member to make sure they vote to support the mayor's call to fully fund the MNPS budget ask. You can find your metro council member here. If you don't live in Davidson County, use the address of your school site.

Suggested Talking Points

Fixing the salary schedule will:

  • Help ensure that every student has a certified teacher in every classroom.
  • Greatly improve recruitment and retention of the professional educators our students need to succeed.
  • Mean less educators will need 2nd or 3rd jobs and can instead focus on teaching and supporting students.
  • Make MNPS competitive again with neighboring districts in regards to educator salaries.
  • Reverse years of low and stagnant wages in a "race to the bottom" trend for MNPS.

Include how you will be impacted personally by their vote to support the budget.

Remember that emails that are short, to the point, and respectful are more likely to be read than those that aren't.

Spread the Word

Fully Funding MNPS is the result of 4 years of hard work by Nashville's educators and our allies. Help us spread the word by sharing this site with others at your school and in your community!

Join the Fight

When we negotiate the MOU or lobby for raises, MNEA fights for all educators in MNPS, not just our members. But our membership determines our capacity to organize for change. In just two years, we have

  • Increased our membership by 39%,
  • Negotiated an MOU that increases educator rights,
  • Increased MNPS funding by over $85 million that includes making MNPS teachers the highest paid in the state, and
  • Built a powerful reputation as a local affiliate that knows how to fight for our profession, our students, and our communities.

Imagine what we could do if we were a majority member district again! You can help us close in on that goal. Please consider joining MNEA, or inviting a colleague to join today!