General Election 2019: Polling Day 12th of December

General Election 2019: Polling day


Support the parliamentary campaigns of Caroline Lucas, Alexandra Phillips and Ollie Sykes as we look to send three Green MPs back to Parliament on December 12th.

There are two main tasks we need your help with:

  • Telling: this means sitting outside a polling station wearing a Green rosette and asking for voters' polling roll numbers. Seeing a friendly, Green-rosetted person encourages people making up their mind at the last minute to vote Green; and collecting their numbers allows us to avoid 'knocking up' people who have already voted.
  • Knocking up: this means visiting people who have already told us they are going to vote Green, to remind them to go to the polling station.

You'll be fully briefed, with a named contact and a 'base' to go to on the day for refreshments.

To let us know which of these tasks you would like to help out with, where and when, we've created SignUp pages for polling day across Brighton Pavilion, Brighton Kemptown and Hove. Please follow the below links and let us know which ward you want to help in and when you're available. Simply click the 'sign up' button next to the tasks/time-slots you're up for, fill in your details and we'll be in touch!

Re-elect Caroline: Brighton Pavilion:



Hanover & Elm Grove

Hollingdean & Stanmer


St Peter's & North Laine

Preston Park

Brighton Kemptown:

Rottingdean Coastal

Queen's Park





Central Hove

Brunswick and Adelaide

I can help anywhere!