Green Party Councillors News

What have Exeter’s Green Councillors been doing?

Diana Moore, Green Councillor for St. David’s, has been working with Devon Wildlife Trust to develop a new area of woodland in New Haven Field, between the river and the Ship canal. Please come and help your Green councillors and Devon Wildlife Trust to plant trees on Tuesday 13th. December (Book at (morning) or (afternoon) if you wish to come along.

In October, Carol Bennett (Green Councillor for Heavitree) put forward a motion proposing a Proportional Representation voting system. Exeter City Council backed the motion for PR to be used in General Elections, but the Labour group refused to support its use in local elections.

St. David’s Green Councillors have been working hard to persuade the developer of the site of the old Deaf Academy on Topsham Road to provide affordable housing; and to listen to residents’ concerns about access. Councillor Amy Sparling has been supporting residents campaigning against the development’s entrance onto Weirfield Road, and Tess Read spoke at the Planning Meeting regarding the Developer’s responsibility to provide affordable housing. Unfortunately their concerns, and the concerns of residents, have fallen on deaf ears.

Green councillor Catherine Rees has been campaigning for better action to tackle air quality in Exeter and Councillor Carol Bennett has been pressing Devon County Council on proposals to trial a Low Traffic Neigbourhood in Heavitree. In places where Low Traffic Neighbourhoods have been introduced, walking and cycling have increased by 50%, while traffic has reduced by 45%. Residents should also see a marked reduction in pollution.

Your Green Councillors have also been working with local groups and Exeter Civic Society to develop a prospectus for the Haven Banks/Water Lane area.

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