Green Secret Weapon

Be a Green Secret Weapon

This is an exciting time for the Green Party in Exeter. We've increased our influence on the City Council from two to five councillors. In May, we hope, as a minimum, to get another Green Councillor elected in Newtown St. Leonards (Andy Ketchin), and get Cllrs Carol Bennett (Heavitree) and Diana Moore (St David’s) re-elected.  

Why is door knocking so important?

Knocking on doors, talking to residents and asking about their concerns is one of the most important activities we do. We have clear evidence that it makes it more likely that people will vote Green in the local election. And it’s actually great fun! It’s interesting, educational and thought-provoking to meet strangers who might not share your world view. People appreciate the chance to talk about local issues that matter to them, and the information we gather provides opportunities to approach the City Council on their behalf and get their voices heard.

What is doing door knocking like?

We go out in small groups, for two hours at most. Full support is provided and people can take their time to get comfortable - no one will pressurise you to do anything you don’t want to do. We have scripts and a process which means that you absolutely don’t have to know answers to questions or get involved in any difficult discussion - a senior person in the team deals with that.

Can you be part of the team? If you able to help, even if it’s just for a couple of hours a month, do get in touch at, or call/message Adrian Allery, Volunteer Coordinator on 07922 262013

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