Help win a second Green Councillor in Newtown & St Leonard's!

Help win a Green colleague for Andy!

Green Councillor Andy Ketchin says:
"Thanks to many of you helping with delivery and door knocking, we have secured a first Green Councillor for Newtown and St Leonard's. A second Green councillor in the ward will release capacity to really start delivering on transformational green projects and policies."

To win a second Green Councillor, we need you!

How you can help

Delivering ward newsletters

We need more volunteers to deliver our regular ward newsletters. We get really positive feedback about the newsletters and know that they help us win at election time. Delivery takes one person just one hour, every few weeks. If you are already a delivery volunteer, thank you! And if you are not, and willing to help, please get in touch; (see below for email).

Talking to residents

We call on residents to get their views on local issues, so Andy and the ward team can pick up actions, be informed and build a positive view of what Green Councillors are all about. It is this personal connection that convinces undecided people to vote Green. It's an enjoyable activity, done in small groups. You can come along to just watch and see if it's for you with no pressure or obligation at all.

If you want to help with delivery and/or doorknocking,  please email,  or contact our ward organiser, Lynn, on 0797 4414613

Donate or help with fundraising

Running a campaign to win a second councillor costs money. Each newsletter delivery in the ward costs around £170 and we hope to do around 4 newsletters between now and March. We understand that money is short for many people, but if you can afford to help with the campaign costs, please do consider it. Click here to donate directly to Exeter Green Party.

Or perhaps you have ideas for fundraisers that you could help with? Coffee mornings, sponsored events, socials with collections - we just need people with the energy and ideas to make it happen.

Thank you!

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