Immigration Reform

Northern Indiana Community Coalition for Immigration Reform

Mission Statement:

Inclusive Roadmap to Citizenship: Immigration reform must include legalization for the most vulnerable low-wage immigrant workers and families. It must include civic participation and community and labor organizing rather than suppressing it. It must ensure that immigrants can access and contribute to the safety net instead of being locked out of it. Immigration reform must ensure that immigrant workers and families can participate and contribute to a fair economy, rather than be segregated at the bottom of an economy that is unjust.

An End to Cruel Immigration Enforcement: Immigration reform must include a complete reform of our country’s cruel, irrational, and dehumanizing immigration enforcement system. Current U.S. Immigration policy and enforcement practices result in employer manipulation and abuse, leaving immigrants and American-born workers to suffer the consequences. We believe that any reform should include access to justice and due process, civil, labor and employment rights, and public safety. Reform must stop deportations that tear apart families. And it must end dangerous programs that intertwine local law enforcement with ICE.

Protection of Civil, Labor, and Human Rights: Immigration reform must protect workers from retaliation for exercising their labor rights. New legislation should strengthen rights of workers, families and communities, and should guard against the erosion of the bedrock rights that we cherish in our country, such as access to justice and due process. Employers must not be able to use enforcement or employer sanctions to block worker’s right to organize and enforce workplace standards.

Future Flow: Inclusion and Protections for Future Immigrants. Immigration reform must ensure inclusion and protections for future immigrants. Future flow is complex with serious implications for immigrant workers and their families as well as U.S. workers who work alongside them in the same sectors. These protections must include the right to organize, to join as members of workers’ centers and unions, and to work together with U.S. workers in their sectors to ensure dignified worker standards. Reform must recognize that families belong together and must create channels for families to be united.

Presently we are scheduling showing of the documentary film "The Hand That Feeds" chronicling the hardships of Immigrant workers in America.