Indivisible KC Week in Action: Kansas, November 6th

Hello, fellow Kansans!

As we close in on the one-year anniversary of the 2016 elections, it's a good time to reflect on all that we've done, on the work we hope to accomplish, and on all the people who are in this fight with us every day.

Team Moran - small but mightyAs always, it's great to see everyone out at office visits. Hearing the personal stories and individual perspective and opinions makes it clear that our resistance is about so many people for so many reasons.

Last week, these dedicated folks came out to Senator Moran's office, advocating against the tax bill in Congress that would duplicate the failed Kansas experiment at the national level.  The House's tax bill, revealed only last Wednesday, focuses our work for the second week in a row.

Here's what we're up to this week:

Tuesday, November 7th:

Vote, vote, vote! If you weren't able to vote in advance, don't forget to vote on Election Day. And be sure to tell a friend. Voting in local races is the best way to impact your daily life.

Wednesday, November 8th:

We hope you can join us for a very special Indivisible KC Community Event. As we reach the one year anniversary, we're not slowing down now. We'll spend the evening building community and accountability, as we continue to show up and resist.

Thursday, November 9th:

The House has released its tax overhaul plan, and it's a massive giveaway to the wealthy and big corporations at the expense of the middle and working classes. We'll visit the office of Representative Kevin Yoder to oppose the bill and demand that a tax plan benefit ordinary Americans first and foremost.

Wednesday, November 15th:

Join us as we gather downtown to share our stories about the value of birth control with each other and with this Administration to say "Hands Off My Birth Control!" Stories are powerful. They bring people together. They empower the sharer. They change minds. Please share yours.

All Week

Keep up the pressure and call your elected officials to oppose this tax plan. We've seen similar cuts in Kansas, and we know how this story ends. Call your Members of Congress today and demand that they pass a plan that protects ordinary American families.

You want more? Here are Indivisible National's top priorities this week:

Keep calling, keep writing, keep showing up -- and most importantly, GO VOTE (and bring a friend)! We know that elections really do matter, from the most local office to the most national.

Stand Indivisible,
The Indivisible KC Team

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