Indivisible KC Week in Action: Missouri, June 18
Dear Indivisibles,
Nothing highlights the pressing nature of our activism more than the unambiguous immorality of Trump's administration tearing children away from their parents as the people of our nation celebrate fatherhood.
First thing , set aside a few minutes to call your MO Federal delegation. When the congressional staffer answers the phone, introduce yourself and say:
"Hi, my name is [YOUR NAME] and my zip code is [YOUR ZIP]. I’m urging the Representative/Senator to denounce Trump’s family separation policy. This is not a matter of a law, this is a matter of policy implemented by the administration and could be stopped as quickly as it was started. Since the President chooses not to, the Representative/Senator has a moral obligation to use Congress' authority to stop it. #FamiliesBelongTogether"
You can also still use Herd on the Hill to send letters directly to your Senators. Resistbot will also be printing your letters and handing them in in (hopefully gigantic) piles.
While you're at it, take a look at this excellent list of more ways you can help families on the border. This is the time to step up and not be complicit. Families urgently need our help!
And as our hearts go out to families at the border, let us remember families closer to home that are being torn apart for similarly unjust reasons: unpaid fines, misdemeanors and a justice system that favors the wealthy. Let Justice Gatson's work inspire you to action and social justice.
Upcoming Events
Take action with others! Build energy and connection among like-purposed people. Check our social media frequently for more up-to-date event information.
Ask Blunt to speak up for Children: Senator Blunt has yet to take meaningful action to end family seperation at the border. We'll be meeting with his staff outside his downtown office on Wednesday, June 20 at 10am. This event was intially planned by a novice organizer and it's getting huge! We need help from experienced Blunt office visitors to guide the crowd. If you can help, please email
Demand Action in the Northland: Join Moms Demand Action supporters for our monthly meeting Sunday, June 24, 2-4 pm in Northland KC at Fairview Christian Church, 1800 NE 65th St, Kansas City, MO 64118. This month, we are hosting a family-oriented event. Diane A. will be presenting Be SMART - a great way to help keep our kiddos safe this summer! Kid-friendly activities and Kona Ice will be on-site, and nursery care will be available. The meeting is open to the public, so please be sure to spread the word!
Rally to End Family Separation at the border: Join our friends at Cosecha KC on Sunday, June 24, 4-6 pm as we put attention on the border crisis. We are calling for an end to the growing number of human rights abuses! We rally because we want to keep families together. Event will include speeches from local advocates and activists.
Call for Volunteers
Indivisible KC needs you, too! If you've appreciated the updates, the calls to action, and the engagement, then now is your time. If you're ready to take issue-focused action to restitch our communal fabric, then now is our time -- together.
Visit our volunteer page for our most needed positions, or if you have other ideas of how to get involved, let us know at We need all of us to keep this momentum going.
Shoulder to shoulder,
Indivisible KC