Indivisible KC Week of July 3 - Kansas Menu

Hello, fellow Kansans!

Here in our state, we celebrated Happy Fiscal Day, and we have many Kansas Legislators to thank, especially the women’s caucus, for making this happen. But, our celebrations were short-lived, since July 1 is the day No-Permit-Necessary Campus Carry went into effect. Students, professors, and parents of college students don’t want this law. This isn’t the pragmatic Kansas we know. Come November, 2018, yes, it’s far away, but still, we must remember those legislators who chose to vote against the interests of Kansans and hold them accountable in the voting booths.

Once again, Kobach has made Kansas the laughing stock of America. As the leader of the Presidential Advisory Commission on Voter Integrity, Kobach sent letters to all 50 states asking not only for public voter data, but additional private ones, such as the last 4 digits of the Social Security numbers. Both blue and red states came back with a NO answer. On top of that, Kobach couldn’t fulfill his own request from Kansas.

The big news on the health care front this week is that Mitch McConnell couldn’t round up enough votes to bring the Senate healthcare bill (Better Care Reconciliation Bill) to the floor. He wants to make amendments to it and bring it back to a vote the week of July 10th. If it passes the Senate, this horrifyingly harmful bill will almost certainly become law.

It's time to go all in and fight back. Call. Rally. Write. Then tell your friends.

Thursday, July 6
Join us at 11:30AM at a Senator Moran Town Hall in Palco, KS. We need him to understand the Senate bill will hurt Kansans and he should not vote for it. Click here for more information.

Friday, July 7
Join us at Noon at Senator Moran's Olathe office. Did you not have a chance to ask a question at the Palco town hall? Well, here's where you can follow up with the Senator's staff. Click here for more information.

All Week

Whether you can or can't attend the town hall, it's important to keep calling and keep our Senators on the hook for this monstrous bill. Use our research, now updated with information about the Senate bill, to help you. Click here for more information.

Many of our elected officials made a campaign promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act. We think it is time they are formally released from that promise so they can feel free to pursue meaningful health care changes that will positively impact all constituents, not harm them. If you agree, reach out to your Senators or Representatives to let them know you support #NoMoreRepeal. Click here for more information.

Upcoming August 1, 2017 Primaries

Register To VoteDon't overlook the 2017 elections for municipal and school systems: resistance happens at every level! Check out our IKC Voter Guide for everything you need to know about the August 2017 primaries. Voter registration deadline is July 11! Local, state, and federal, we'll continue to stand strong, indivisible, and resist an agenda that will hurt our communities and families.

Happy Fourth of July,
IndivisibleKC Team

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