Indivisible KC Week of June 19th - Missouri Menu

We have consolidated our entire week of events into one nicely packaged menu for you! Take a look at each event we have for this week, by clicking on the tiles to your right, or the red links below to see what fits your schedule and your passion. We look forward to seeing you again this week!

Here's what we have going on this week.
Call To Action:

Missouri Mondays this week we are asking you to call your Missouri State Representative and tell them you oppose the use of taxpayer funds for a special session attacking women's rights & you oppose SS SB5. For details and talking points,  please click HERE.

Senate Visits:

6/20/17 - 12:00 PM Senator Claire McCaskill's office. Topic: Prevent Vote on TrumpCare. For details and to RSVP click HERE.

6/23/17 - 12:00 PM Senator Roy Blunt's office. Topic: Show Us The Bill!  For details and to RSVP click HERE.

Special U.S. Senate Call to Action:

Call Senator Blunt's office this week to let them know your concerns about the Senate Republicans trying to pass a new health care bill in secret: Ask is no new bill. #SaveACA.  

Senator Blunt's Health Legislative Assistant is Desiree Mowry and you can call her at 202.224.5721. Ask her when the bill will be published and when public hearings will happen. And make sure she hears your story.

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