IndivisibleKC Week of August 14 - Kansas Menu
Hello Fellow Kansas,
With Lt. Governor Colyer announcing this week that he will run in 2018, the buzz around Kansas is that the Governor’s race has become crowded all of a sudden.
It was also unexpected that IndivisibleKC would have to point out Yoder’s misleading Facebook post to his staff repeatedly to get the record straight. Here’s the story. As a non-partisan organization, our goal has been and remains to open doors for all citizens to access their members of Congress. We seek to help regular folks give voice to issues in open and constructive ways. Like our post mentions, we have been asking Congressman Yoder for a town hall and are still hopeful he will have one during his time in KS-3 for the August recess. Remember, just as any complex and nuanced issue, we would never contend there’s just one solution for health-care. For him to state otherwise is false. The way forward is to include broad, public and lively discussions on the subject.
At the national level, Trump provoked North Korea with a "fire and fury" tweet and then doubled down on it. Now, the Chinese president has called for calm, a petition the US made until this president. Surely, Trump, of all people, would know how to make deals with a leader wanting the best bargain for this country, but apparently not. See below for our Call To Action.
Friday night, violent White Supremacists rallied on the campus of University of Virginia to oppose the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue. Although we’re not one to share personal twitter stories about events, this one seemed to penetrate all the noise and get to the mendacity of the act. Trump did come to the microphones, but he did not denounce the terrorism.
Now, for what we have planned this week.
Thursday, August 17, at Noon
We will gather at Senators Moran and Roberts’ offices in our Back To School, Back To Congress visit. As children return to school after summer break, we want to remind our senators to work on their behalf and oppose the cuts in the Congressional Budget that would undermine them. Click HERE for details on Roberts' visit and HERE on Moran's visit.
All Week
Call your Members of Congress and tell them that Trump must get consent from them before taking any action on North Korea. Their phone numbers are: Moran (202) 224-6521, Jenkins (202) 225-6601, Roberts (202) 224-4774, and Yoder (202) 225-2865.
See you out there!
The IndivisibleKC Team