Friend Banks for Summer AKA get your friends to the polls and let's win!

Friend Bank for Summer: Ask your community to vote for Summer Lee!

Summer Lee has been one of the loudest voices in Congress for a ceasefire and Palestinian rights, alongside all of the critical progressive issues facing our country. We need to re-elect Summer, but extremists are putting everything they’ve got into defeating her. AIPAC spent $5 million against her in 2022, and now Republican donors are doubling down.

We need to mobilize our people in PA-12 and get everyone we know out to vote. That’s why we’re hosting Pittsburgh friend banks, and we need YOU! The task is simple - we’ll map our networks (friends, neighbors, exes, etc.) and make sure they have a plan to vote.

This type of relational outreach is way more effective than phone banking, text banking, and even door knocking. We have a really easy tool called Rally that will help you reach out to your friends and a team that’ll work with you every step of the way.

Together we’ll re-elect Summer and keep on building the movement!