Jump to join Exeter Green Friends Social and a Members Meeting

Photo by Cam Adams on Unsplash

Two meet-ups for all members in July

Wednesday July 6th 7.00pm. Online Members' Meeting

All members are welcome to attend this friendly meet up. The main theme will be a discussion about Exeter Green Party - past, present and future. The aim is to help members understand more about how the local Party works, and the challenges and opportunities lying ahead, and to feed in your thoughts. We are at a new and exciting point in our journey and we want members to be part of shaping where we go.

This is an online meeting. The link to join in is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4582449365

Meeting ID: 458 244 9365
One tap mobile
+442039017895,,4582449365# United Kingdom
+442080806591,,4582449365# United Kingdom

The Executive Committee have produced a short report giving our views on where we are and where we are going, if you want some background context to read before the meet up.

Sunday July 17th 3. 00pm. Exeter Green Friends Social

Fancy meeting up with many other like-minded Exeter Green Party members and volunteers, in a delightful setting in the city centre? Cllr Tess Read has very kindly offered to host a social gathering for all members and volunteers at her home. Garden if the weather is good, indoors if bad. More details here. Please note that you cannot come to this event without carefully reading the instructions in the link on how to get into the venue as it part of a private estate. Also, this is is 'DIY' festival-style event - bring your own drink and cup.

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