Leftists United

This year was a big year for state legislatures. We saw in real time how powerful a state legislature can be. Michigan repealed Right-to-Work, an anti-union law that has historically lowered wages and benefits for everyone. Florida, on the other hand, introduced several anti-LGBTQ policies and lowered the threshold for the death penalty.

Nevada has seen our share of bad policy. We have seen a number of pro-corporate, lobbyist backed bills come to light this session. Pro-worker and pro-housing bills were shot down. Rent control died in committee. A housing bill which took aim at outlandish apartment app fees was amended so heavily by housing lobbyists that it no longer serves it’s original purpose. A bill to give construction workers water when they’re working in 105 degrees was voted down by supposed progressives. If we can’t even summon the political will to give workers WATER - then what can we do?

While progressive policies like universal childcare, or a living wage, didn’t even make it to the table at all - our legislators spent their time debating how much of our money they should give out to billionaires and corporations. Workers in Nevada are being left behind. Our wages are too low, our rents are too high, and a recent report showed that 75% of Nevadans can no longer afford a two-bedroom apartment.  

Sadly this is all too common for “Democrats” in Nevada. While many label themselves progressive, none have come out of the session’s legislature as a champion for working class values. Unsurprising, as most receive their funding from the very groups they claim to oppose.

That’s why we’ve come together, 6 dedicated left-wing activists, to run for enough state seats that we can change policy in Nevada. It’s time for a movement that will put workers and regular Nevadans FIRST. As a group, we will:

Commit to running with zero lobbyist or corporate money

Pass Universal Childcare

Pass Rent Control

Housing for all

Repeal Right-to-Work

Pass the most progressive workers rights bill in the nation

Change racist policing practices and divert public money where it belongs

Raise the Minimum Wage

And much more!

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