Make Exeter a better place - you could be a Green Councillor!

Green councillors are people like you

We have gone from zero to six Green Councillors in just four years and are now the second biggest group on Exeter City Council. We are moving closer to achieving significant influence - but we need people willing to stand for election at the next City Council elections in May 2024.

Councillors are people just like you - no need for special skills or experience. Some Councillors have a job and family commitments, and the system is designed to work around this. You just need to have a real wish to represent the interests of people in a ward and to make Exeter a better place.  

Want to find out more? Fill in your details and we will give you a ring for an informal chat.

You may also know someone (and they don’t have to currently be a Green Party member) who would make a great Green councillor. If you do, we would be happy to talk to them. Just share this link with them. We are particularly interested in receiving applications from people in under-represented groups

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