Barnet Friends of the Earth: Briefings and ways to be involved in reaching Net Zero Barnet

Act now for an net-zero Barnet

In the last few years Barnet Friends of the Earth has created several briefings on a range of topics to inform discussion about how, as a borough, we can reach net-zero by 2042.

Read on to find out about our vision, asks and more, but first – have you signed (and shared) our United for Warm Homes petition?

Text that says 'We're United for Warm Homes' with images of people

What is United for Warm Homes?

It’s a growing movement of community groups and people from all walks of life asking for a common goal: warm homes for all.

There are three asks for our next government:

- Urgent support for people dealing with sky-high energy bills
- A new emergency programme to insulate our homes
- An energy system powered by cheap, green renewables

Sign our petition asking your MP to take action for warm homes

Implications of Climate Change in Barnet

In Barnet, along with the rest of the world, we face two climate challenges:

  • how to rapidly reduce our emissions to limit the global level of climate change
  • how to adapt to the climate impacts on Barnet and the South East of England

We need to act now, as the longer we delay, the greater the impact and the need to adapt.

Acting on climate change can also help to address the biodiversity crisis if done in ways that protect and enhance nature. Healthy nature can also help limit climate change by capturing and storing carbon emissions and aid adaptation by providing shade and flood management.

Read the full 'Implications for Climate Change in Barnet' briefing
Published June 2022

Vision for a Net Zero Carbon 2030

Having a clear vision of 2030 can motivate and galvanise us towards taking the action that is necessary to get us to the state the vision describes. You can read Barnet FoE's vision for a 2030 Barnet below – what does your vision look like?

Barnet is a low emissions borough with cleaner air; protected and well maintained green spaces that are accessible to all and affordable and efficient public transport.

Walking and cycling is safe and easy and for many is the preferred way of going to local shops, keeping fit and getting to work. Participation in cycling clubs, walking and running groups is at its highest.

Read the full 'Vision for a Net Zero Carbon 2030'
Published February 2022

Briefing to Barnet Council's Sustainability Strategy

As the London borough with the highest population, Barnet can make an important contribution to London and the UK becoming net-zero in line with the Paris commitments.

During 2022 Barnet Council developed a sustainability strategy and held resident focus groups and wider consultation. To help inform discussions and debate across the borough, Barnet FoE produced a briefing about housing and transport in Barnet.

The briefing provides an overview of the situation relating to Barnet becoming Net Zero. It was prepared to help inform and inspire accelerated and effective action by all. The analysis is based upon public domain material.

Read the full 'Sustainability Strategy' briefing
Published February 2022

Park The Car: Transport Emissions Briefing

This briefing provides an overview of the situation relating to active travel in Barnet.

Using body power instead of engines or batteries to help us get around is good for our health and our environment. Barnet's residents have the potential to do a lot more “active travel” but there are some key barriers to overcome, myths to bust and actions to take.

Car owners could choose to leave their car parked at home and walk or cycle to the shops or work. The council could develop and implement an ambitious strategy to enable more active travel and less traffic. Barnet needs to decide whether it joins the shift to active travel or gets left behind.

Read the full 'Park The Car' briefing
Published February 2022

Healthy Homes: Housing Emissions Briefing

In Barnet, housing is the source of 50% of carbon emissions and so is an important area to focus on if Barnet is to get to net-zero.

Only 42% of homes are designated as well insulated – less than the best performing similar London Borough with 50% and significantly below the official target of 89% and the FoE target of 100%. Poor insulation means we waste money and produce more emissions.

There needs to be more effort made to help owners understand the actual efficiency of their property and what needs to be done, including what can be done at low cost for immediate impact. This will not only reduce homes' carbon emissions, but also the possibility of Ill-health from cold or damp homes.

Read the full 'Healthy Homes' briefing
Published February 2022

Healthy Nature: Nature Carbon Sinks and Emissions Briefing

Nature can help us reduce, adapt and be more resilient to climate change; and improve our fitness, well-being and social cohesion. To benefit from nature, we need to protect and enhance it.

Barnet is one of the greenest boroughs in London. 2,466 hectares of Green Belt and 690 hectares of Metropolitan Open Land cover a third of the Borough and there are 67 Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs), all of which help to provide some protection against development.

However, many in the borough do not lie within 400m of a local park and boosting it will help to tackle the climate emergency and make more space for nature.

Read the full 'Healthy Nature' briefing
Published February 2022

Barnet Sustainability Strategy Asks

In response to Barnet Council’s Sustainability Strategy engagement in the spring of 2022, Barnet Friends of the Earth asked that Barnet council develop a sustainability strategy and action plan that:

  • Makes Barnet a healthier place for all current and future residents and delivers outcomes that help reduce climate change and improve nature.
  • Is ambitious, collaborative and trusted.
  • Includes:
    • A vision for 2030 and beyond
    • Desired outcomes
    • Clear action plans and SMART targets for 2026, 2030 and 2040
    • How and when progress will be measured and reported on
    • Governance, accountabilities, roles and responsibilities
    • Funding sources

Read the full 'Barnet Sustainability Strategy Asks' document
Published December 2021