Our target wards and candidates for May 2023

Which wards will be 'targets' for Exeter Green Party?

Along with most other local Green Parties, we use the 'target to win' system. This means that we only invest effort - newsletters, door knocking - in a small number of wards where we have a serious chance of winning. The number chosen relates directly to how much money (campaigns cost money) and how many volunteers (of all kinds) we have.

For May 2023, the outgoing Executive Committee has set three target wards:

Newtown and St Leonards'. We have run campaigns for the past two years, (though the 2021 campaign was late and sketchy), losing by around 200 votes. We think we have a great chance of winining next May, as we know that support builds year on year, plus the outgoing Independent Councillor, Jemima Moore, is a strong supporter of Exeter Green Party and will endorse our candidate.

Heavitree. Carol Bennett, elected in May 2022 only has a one year term as she picked up the end of someone else's tenure, as they stepped away from being a councillor. We really want to retain one of our two Green seats in Heavitree

St David's. Diana Moore's 4 year term as a councillor - our first ever Exeter Green Councillor - comes to an end. With currently three Greens standing in St David's, we want to keep that happy situation!

Development Wards?

'Development wards' are the wards waiting in the wings to become targets. They get any spare cash and volunteer effort that is left over from working the three target wards. Last year and this year, our Development Ward is Pennsylvania. With a very limited amount of people, we still managed to beat the Conservatives to second place, a considerable achievement

If you want to see more target and development wards, if you want to help ensure that we win in our target and development ward, then join our growing band of Green volunteers!

Email volunteers@exeter.greenparty.org.uk

Our candidates for City Council elections, May 2023

Newtown and St Leonards'.                 Andy Ketchin.

Heavitree.                                                 Carol Bennett

St David's.                                                 Diana Moore

Development ward, Pennsylvania        Jack Vickers

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