Electing a new Exeter Green Party Executive Committee

Information for members attending the
Extraordinary General Meeting (online), Sept 6th 7.00pm

Here is the Zoom link to attend the meeting.  Meeting ID: 458 244 9365  
One tap mobile  +442039017895,,4582449365#

What's this about?

Exeter Green Party's constitution requires three officers to be elected by members, to form the Executive Committee which oversee the management of the local Party.

Members attending the online meeting on Tuesday Sept 6th will be able to vote, in a secret online ballot, for the people putting themselves forward for these posts. Below is some information provided by the various applicants, for members to have a look at in advance of the meeting. People must apply for a specific post and role-sharing is legitimate and encouraged.

Statements from members standing for election

Party Coordinator

Joint application from Lynn Wetenhall and Jack Eade

We are putting in a joint application in order to share the workload for this role and to take the opportunity for a less experienced party activist to gain skills in party management. We have worked together on the Heavitree Campaign for three years so know we can work together effectively.


I have been closely involved in the management of Exeter Green Party for over 4 years, covering many  functions,eg  political strategy, communications, volunteer & member mobilisation, & internal communications. I am a member of the outgoing Executive Committee, having had the role of volunteer coordinator since December '21,and having also worked as the volunteer coordinator for some three years, before the post was part of Executive Committee. I believe that EGP is at a critical time, with the potential to ‘turn Exeter Green’ if we maintain our momentum. This requires the Party to stabilise and grow in order to support our councillors and get new ones elected and that requires a functioning Executive Committee.

My original wish was to stand down from the Executive Committee, to give others an opportunity to stand and to focus more on ward issues. However, I have decided to stand because:

  1. no one has put themselves forward for the role of party coordinator at the time of writing
  2. new activists are standing for the other roles; some continuity from the first Executive Committee will be helpful
  3. Jack Eade’s offer to role-share means the workload will be less - I have promised myself to reduce from effectively volunteering full-time for the party


I started campaigning for Exeter Green Party in Heavitree for the local elections in 2019 and have been getting more involved ever since. I have done plenty of leafletting and door knocking including leading some sessions and am now part of the Heavitree councillor support team helping to address issues raised by residents. I was also a candidate in our development ward of Pennsylvania this year for which I contributed to election leaflet content. I am passionate about democracy and would love the opportunity to be part of the coordination of our local party and continue to build momentum following our recent successes. I have project management experience in my line of work as a civil engineer which I believe will be useful in this role.

Elections Coordinator

Joint application from Robin Sagar and Bernadette Chelvanayagam

We are expressing our interest in a job share capacity for the role of Elections Coordinator. We think that the combination of our skills, experience and perspectives will enable an efficient and mutually supportive approach to the role. We are keen to work with the rest of the Executive Committee to build on the learning and successes of the current committee.

We have both worked as delivery volunteers for some time. Bernadette is part of the Heavitree Support Team & Robin took part in the knocking up operation on election day.

The following are some of what we both can bring:

·         Strong organisational skills

·         Ability to work to deadlines

·         Ability to work in a team

·         Familiarity of using a range of social media

·         Good verbal and written communication skills

·         Ability to communicate with the general public

·         Community development experience

·         Leafleting and door knocking experience

·         Enthusiasm for Green Party policies

·         Keen to learn and develop in the role

Volunteer Coordinator

Application from Adrian Allery

I have been a member of Exeter Green Party for the last five years, and an activist since 2019, canvassing for national and local elections, delivering leaflets and assisting with data entry.

I’m 63 years old and have been involved in various environmental and social projects for much of my adult life. As a ship pilot, and ex- ship’s Captain, I am used to solving problems and dealing with people from all walks of life with tact and diplomacy. From my own experience of volunteering for Exeter Green Party, I understand the importance of the work which supporters do. This is an exciting time for the Green Party both nationally and locally, but in order to build on our recent successes getting Green City Councillors elected in Exeter, we need to further develop our volunteer network, and I’m keen to play my part.

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