Portland DSA Ecosocialist Working Group meeting

This meeting will be at Workers Tap in their downstairs basement as well as on Zoom.  Time and Date are 7-9pm the 2rd Tuesday of each month.

Come mend the metabolic rift! Portland might seem “green” but did you know that 40% of the energy we consume from privately owned and traded utility companies is still being extracted from the burning of coal? The rich west hills sure are pretty with their abundant and beautiful trees, but the working people of east Portland experience great health risks every summer due to a lack of temperature-dampening tree canopy. Did you know that many of our elected officials would rather build new highway lanes and sell more cars than expand public transit and make ridership free and accessible to all residents of our county? That’s not all that’s messed up about “Green” Portland. Come find out more and help make our city truly green with working people at the center of how we consume, produce, and restore our relationship with the unique and beautiful ecology of the Pacific Northwest.