Protect Haitian Asylum Seekers

Collage style photo that reads "Stop deportations of Haitians"

For decades, U.S. immigration policies have had a disparate impact on Black immigrants. Despite efforts to reform immigration, many of these policies continue to reflect and perpetuate racial biases. The treatment of Haitian refugees and immigrants has been a glaring example of this injustice.

Haiti is currently experiencing a dire situation, with rampant insecurity and violence driven by gang conflicts. This has resulted in significant disruptions, including attempts by gangs to take control of Haiti's main airport, impacting flights and leading to a state of emergency and curfew being declared. Vital infrastructure has been targeted, including attacks on prisons and threats of violence against the police and government members. More than 160,000 people are displaced in the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area and the vast majority of people are facing famine.

This has led Haitians with no other alternative to continue to flee for safety and livelihood. Yet amidst the chaos and foreseeable international intervention, the Biden-Harris administration continues to deport asylum seekers to Haiti. The current policies not only continue the legacy of systemic racism but also exacerbate the vulnerabilities of Black immigrant communities.

Haitian asylum seekers deserve protections.need us. The Administration needs to know that we are watching.

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