Re-elect Dave Plummer - Waltham Abbey's Green Voice

In May 2019 Dave Plummer made history by being the first Green in Waltham Abbey to be elected to Epping Forest District Council and Waltham Abbey Town Council.

Since then he's been the voice for people and issues that wouldn't be heard or raised without him.

In May 2023 Dave's fighting to win back his place on the District Council and keep his place on the Town Council.

From his work on the Town Council to help make our town centre more accessible for disabled people and commit to real action on environmental issues, to his work on the District Council speaking up for low-income households, Dave's perspective and personal experience have been invaluable.

Can you help Dave continue his work for Waltham Abbey on the Town and District councils?

Donate to Dave's campaign Volunteer
From flyers and Facebook promotions to rosettes and refreshments for volunteers, elections cost money.

Will you help us cover the costs?
Whether it's door knocking, leafleting or data entry, a few hours a week or few days a month, any help you can give will make a difference.

Can you help?
Green 'Donate (PayPal) button Green 'Volunteer Form' button