South Carolina Texting Events

Map of South Carolina Counties

Text with Reclaim Our Vote using Text Per Cent
We will hold Text Parties from 9am -  9pm PDT Monday - Saturday starting  October 21st and ending on election day. Join us in South Carolina to GOTV

If you have an account on Text Per Cent you just show up for a party or text on your own. Parties are a  BYOP (Bring Your Own Password) event but no other sign ups are needed. You can Send and Reply or just Send. Once you log off someone else will answer your replies.

PARTY SCHEDULE - we text on the East Coast from 9am - 9pm EDT
Monday / Wednesday / Friday  
SC 9 -11am  Catherine Party Host

Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
SC 3-5pm   Linda Party Host


If the link does not work go to and enter   Meeting ID: 239 450 8994

Text Per Cent  Training Video

South Carolina Text Resource Page

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