Statements for the Executive Committee 2024-2025

Statements for the Executive Committee 2024-2025

Prospective candidates were asked to submit an 150 word statement for the role they were wishing to stand for by 17.07.2024, the following statements are all those that have been received for the roles to be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), in regards to any vacancies left at the end of the meeting the Executive Committee will aim to co-opt members by their next meeting which will then be voted on at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to be held in September; in line with Exeter Green Party’s (EGP’s) Constitution. The roles not listed in this document are not required to be elected at the AGM and in most cases are appointed by the Executive Committee with membership approval (as opposed to directly elected).

Executive Officers – as defined by EGP’s Constitution:

Chair – Bernadette Chelvanayagam

I have been Chair since March 2024. I reluctantly stepped into this role but have enjoyed it enough to want to do it again! I enjoy facilitating, organising, planning, and working in a team. I have 20+ experience in community development, advocacy and legal work across Devon and Cornwall, as well as 4 years as a Trustee developing policies for Refugee Support Devon.

I am ambitious for our party, and want to build on what has been achieved, and aim for success in the next general election. This would require expanding our membership and volunteer base to get more city and county councillors elected.  

I will work with others to build the strategic direction of EGP, and create a culture of focus and stability, so we are a hopeful and diverse force for change in Exeter.

Elections Coordinator - Joe Mitchell & Bruce McClure (role share)

Hello, I'm Joe. I live in St James, somewhere between the prison and university (not a metaphor). I work for a small charity and have 20 years' experience in mostly small nonprofits, often in pursuit of democracy. I've also experience in central government and the private sector. I'm good at making to-do lists, encouraging others and meeting deadlines. I know Bruce from canvassing and look forward to working together to turn Exeter green.

I'm Bruce. I'm new to party politics but have a little experience of grassroots democracy as a climate camp attender and trade union member. I have mainly worked in the public and third sectors, about a decade each in adult education and social care; I'm good with processes, communication and working with others. I think my neighbour Joe and I would make a good team.

Internal Governance Officer – Eric Helianthus

I am standing for the position of Internal Governance Officer. My aim with this role is to improve and increase Party democracy wherever possible, actively work to keep our constitution up-to-date and relevant while ensuring that our Executive Committee is accountable to and acts by the informed consent of Exeter Green Party’s members.

I have already achieved some success in this aim by proposing several constitutional amendments to a recent Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) which, with a few amendments, were passed overwhelmingly. My belief is that our constitution should reflect our intent as a local Party and empower us to achieve our goals rather than be an obstacle to overcome.

I believe the Green Party can only succeed by being a grassroots, member-led, democratic movement and I aim to encourage that within this role.

Young Greens Officer – Thomas Richardson

Having been deeply involved in Exeter Green Party since September 2022, I have managed to gain a strong understanding of how the party works and effective methods of campaigning. From door knocking to leafleting, I have participated in many different aspects of the party and endeavour to continue this.

As a young person, I understand the goals of the Young Greens officer role very well. I see many young people disenchanted with the current political situation and I believe it is important to ensure young people restore their faith in politics.

As the Chair of the Greens at Exeter University, I have previous experience in leadership, organisation, and communication all relevant to increasing youth participation in politics. I have learnt so much from this role and endeavour to carry over this into the Young Greens role within Exeter Green Party. I believe stronger links with both the University and Exeter College will lead to great outcomes in achieving the aims of the Young Greens Officer role.

Volunteers Coordinator no statements submitted so this role will be vacant until the Executive Committee can co-opt a member into it.

This concludes the statements for prospective Executive Officers

Legally or constitutionally required (non-voting, functional) Roles:

Recorder - Gareth Carey-Jones

I joined Exeter Green Party and started volunteering with leaflet delivery and canvassing last autumn as part of the Newtown and St Leonards city election campaign.

I've put myself forward as recorder as I have taken notes and minutes of a range of meetings during my day job in professional services at Exeter University, and so feel I have the skills and experience for the role.

I am also a steward and committee member for my work branch trade union and was a committee member at the Newtown Community Association for many years – and think this experience will help with being part of the EGP committee.

Data Officer - Jonathan Dawson

I have been acting as Data Officer since 2017, when I joined Exeter Green party. I have enjoyed the challenge of creating new systems along with others. Now that I am retired , I am continuing to work on the elections and volunteer database, helping users with any queries and helping people use Action Network. I have felt frustrated and stressed with the antics of EGP in the past and wanted to withdraw, but we were unable to find anyone to take my place. Now, with the new committee I feel renewed hope and would like to continue in this role. I look forward to working with other 'techies' as more of a team.

Data Protection Officer - no statements submitted so this role will be vacant until the Executive Committee can co-opt a member into it.

Election Agent - no statements submitted so this role will be vacant until the Executive Committee can co-opt a member into it.

Treasurer - no statements submitted so this role will be vacant until the Executive Committee can co-opt a member into it.

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