Stop Burning Trees

The Drax Power Group is gathering in London on the 27th of April for their Annual General Meeting, where they gather to discuss profiting off pollution and further fuelling the climate crisis. They, along with many other tree burning companies, are also attending the Argus Biomass Conference in London the 27th-29th of April.

Drax is the world's biggest burner of trees and the UKs single largest carbon emitter. They are responsible for deforestation and huge amounts of pollution around the world, harming poorer and marginalised communities the most. Despite this, they receive £832 million in renewable subsidies per year, by 2027 they will have received £10 billion in renewable subsidies and this money comes straight out of peoples fuel bills.

The biomass scam is funding death and destruction around the world. As their shareholders gather for the AGM in London, it is vital that we show them people all around the world will not stand for their greenwashing or pollution. We need funding for genuine renewables and for communities not corporations.

If you can't make it to London or a local protest, join us online to demand Drax and all biomass companies #StopBurningTrees!

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