The future of Exeter Green Party?

Please read this - it's important

1. Special notice to Members

Could you be one of our three elected officers?

Nominations for the three elected officer posts that comprise our Executive Committee closed today, July 12th.   However, no eligible applications have been received to fill the three posts - Party Coordinator, Election Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator. None of the current elected officers are standing, due to personal changes in their circumstances. This leaves us in a difficult situation and we are appealing to members to consider whether they can help.

Could you shadow, role-share or take on one of the elected officer roles?  Any of these roles can be done by someone in full-time work - everyone is a volunteer, no one is expected to do the impossible.

Also, please note that:

  • Role share arrangements are encouraged and possible - the Party can support negotiations on this between people with an interest in one or more of the roles
  • outgoing members of the Executive will remain on hand as willing helpers and supporters, for an extended handover period.  

Please contact ASAP to express interest /ask to have a phone conversation to explore options.

It is vital that Exeter Green Party has a functioning party management system. Without it, we simply cannot support our mission to make Exeter a fairer, greener city, so please give careful thought to whether you can take on a role, alone or in a ‘role-share’.

2. Annual General Meeting:Online July 26th 7.00pm

We hope as many of you as possible will be there. It's an online event, so very easy to attend. Here's the link for joining:

Time: Jul 26, 2022 07:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 458 244 9365
One tap mobile
+442039017895,4582449365# United Kingdom


  • Welcome and introductions
  • Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
  • Report from outgoing Executive Committee; (partly covered by this report)
  • Discussion: next steps for Exeter Green Party
  • Election of new Executive Committee. NB as no valid applications have been received, the current three elected officers will continue in caretaker roles, facilitating a process to find people willing to step forward and ensure that they have the support that they need. There would need to be a second AGM to elect those officers
  • Motions received from members; (deadline for receiving these is 1.00pm July 19th, to
  • AOB (notified before the meeting)
  • Date of next Annual General Meeting TBC July 2023

Reflections on Exeter Green Party's future

The outgoing Executive Committee have put together their thoughts about the future of Exeter Green Party, which provides useful context for the AGM. The note underlines the critical importance of finding more people willing to take on 'intermediate' roles involving a small level of responsibility and being part of team. The lack of people these roles is a major barrier to securing more Green Councillors and taking action on more social and environmental justice issues in our city. We need people with specialist skills including IT systems, communications, fundraising, admin and organisation). Get in touch to find out more

From your Executive Committee, Chris Musgrave, Tom Hewat & Lynn Wetenhall

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