The Future of Exeter Green Party

Dear members

The future of Exeter Green Party

There is a real risk that Exeter Green Party (EGP) may be forced to close down on 31 July 2024 at its Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Why is this?

At the AGM, members vote in a new Executive Committee (Executive). There has to be an Executive for the party to exist.  At present it is unclear that enough members will put themselves forward to create a new Executive.

This would be a repetition of what happened at the last call out for the Executive in March this year. We narrowly escaped being closed down by the Green Party, only because five people put themselves forward at the meeting, to serve until July this year.

In the next five years, we are potentially poised to secure our first Green County Councillors, gain control of Exeter City Council, and even elect a Green MP! None of this will happen without a strong party led by a stable Executive.

If you are seriously concerned about our future here in Exeter and beyond, this is an opportunity to work together to really make a difference in our city.

Help secure the future of Exeter Green Party

EGP would like to invite any member who is interested in standing for an Executive role, and/or one of the several supporting roles, an opportunity to find out more.

Meeting on Wednesday 26th June, 6.30-7.30pm at Palace Gate Centre, Palace Gate off South Street.

There will be no pressure to commit to anything, just a chance to explore and ask questions.

Some of the roles include - Chair, Elections Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, Treasurer, Election Agent, Young Greens officer, Ward coordinators.  The aim is to have a team approach so the bigger roles are supported by one or two other people. Role shares are also encouraged between two people.

If you want to come along,  or cannot make this date but would like to find out more please contact:

Best wishes

Bernadette on behalf Exeter Green Party Executive Committee

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