Tools for Change: Community Organizing Skills Workshop

image of activists smiling together, fairbanks climate aciton coalition logo and text that reads tools for change community organizing skills workshops

Fairbanks Climate Action Coalition is excited to offer a new training workshop series to our members and anyone involved in the broader justice movement in Fairbanks! These monthly learning sessions will focus on skills needed to run effective teams and build strong campaigns designed to build people power and win real changes in our communities.

Here's what's coming up in the next few months!

Tuesday, May 7th
5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Gathering People & Leading Meetings: Learn the art of gathering and leading people in productive dialogue to accomplish shared goals! One of the most essential building blocks of social change is the ability to bring community members together to communicate and set goals for collective action. In this workshop, you’ll have the opportunity to hone your skills for getting people to meetings and facilitating effective discussions. This training will cover best practices for preparing, leading, and following up meetings as well as an opportunity to practice facilitation in small groups.

Wednesday, June 5th
5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Outreach & Recruitment: Prepare yourself to bring new people into the movement by honing your outreach pitch! Recruiting others with a direct ask is both one of the hardest and most important skills for building up a community campaign. This workshop will help you refine your approach and script for outreach conversations, perfect for feeling comfortable with summer tabling or making phone calls. We’ll cover the basic principles of movement basebuilding, strategies for effective recruitment, and a chance to practice writing and sharing your pitch.

July (Date TBD)
Strategic Storytelling:
Learn how to leverage the powerful skill of personal storytelling in order to strengthen your work for climate action. Utilizing your personal story is one of the most effective ways to build connection and trust with your audience and to move them to action. In this training, we’ll use Marshall Ganz’s Public Narrative method, as well as specific exercises from The Million Person Project to find your story, and to tell it in a way that moves people to action. This training will benefit anyone who wants to speak publicly on issues they care about, whether that’s at public hearings, through letters to the editor, on social media, or just amongst family and friends.

August (Date TBD)
Campaign DNA: Learn how to create a core structure and messaging for an issue-based campaign that is coherent, replicable and allows you to effectively grow your base.

Stay tuned for more monthly workshop sessions in the fall!