Update on June Extraordinary General Meeting

Extraordinary General Meeting Update

Members met on June 19th 2024, to consider

Members met on June 19th, 2024, to consider and vote on a set of proposed changes to the constitution adopted by Exeter Green Party at a previous Extraordinary General Meeting held in March 2024. The constitution adopted in March was a standard Green Party model constitution. The aim of the proposed changes was to make a series of small and more substantive amendments to ensure that :

  1.  the constitution was a better fit for Exeter Green Party
  2. took account of what we have learnt works and doesnt work for us
  3. ambivalent text was removed or made clear

A new look for the Executive

Members voted for a new set of roles for the Executive and for the number of elected roles to be set at 5. The new roles are:

  • Chair
  • Election Coordinator
  • Volunteer Coordinator
  • Young Greens officer
  • Internal Governance Officer

The other roles that must be filled for the party to function are Treasurer and Election Agent.All of these roles need be filled at the Exeter Green Party Annual General meeting on July 31st

Members will soon be asked to put their names forward if they want to stand for any of these roles, which are determined by members voting at the AGM on July 31st. If you are interested to know more, come to Social / Q&A about Executive and other roleTuesday 9 July, 6.30-7.30pm at Palace Gate Centre, Palace Gate off South Street. Or if you are interested but can’t attend, email coordinator@exeter.greenparty.org.uk

A working constitution, owned & shaped by Members

A note from Eric Helianthus, Elections Coordinator, who did most of the work preparing amendments for members to consider.

Unlike establishment parties whose constitutions are often cumbersome and restrictive, it’s important that the Green Party and its members feel they can amend their constitution(s) to ensure they remain relevant and so they don’t become a hindrance to growth and electoral success; our constitution should serve and represent us.

Thank you to all those that participated, especially to those of you that had the EGM as your first meeting. I am working to produce the new, revised constitution and members will be alerted once it is ready.

Following this meeting, I’m encouraged and excited for what EGP can achieve over the next few years and hope you are or will be too!

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