Vote for Our Future Voter Hub

Take action! Pledge to vote for our future.Voting is a fundamental civil right and a cornerstone of our democracy. Our governments work best when all voices are represented. When we turn out for federal, state and local elections and vote our values, we make critical decisions about where and how our tax dollars are spent, and what we want for our communities. Equally important, we hold our elected representatives accountable for their decision-making on our behalf.

This is an unprecedented election season (October 5 – November 3) and so much is at stake.

Please scroll down to access our Voter Guide, links to information on where and how to vote, and Know Your Rights voting information. Share these resources widely.

And above all, VOTE. Vote early. Vote your values. Vote your entire ballot. Vote for our future!

Voter Guide

Statewide Ballot Recommendations

Californians have the opportunity to vote on statewide initiatives that will greatly impact our civil liberties and civil rights. Stand for justice, equity and inclusion and cast your vote accordingly on the following California propositions.

Local Ballot Recommendations (San Diego County)

Voters in San Diego County will decide on a number of measures that impact social justice and equity in our region.

Read more about the ballot measures.
Access a downloadable, printable version of our Voter Guide.

Paid for by ACLU Foundation of San Diego & Imperial Counties.

Voting Information


In California, you can now register to vote or change your registration at any time, including on Election Day.


Make a plan and vote early! Return your ballot by Nov. 3rd!

Find your polling place.

learn more about your voting options

Voting in-person and voting by mail are options all voters have this year. Learn more about how and where to do either.

Absentee Voting Information for Military and Overseas Voters

Learn more about voting options for service members and citizens who live abroad.

San Diego county voter info

Answer questions you have about voting in San Diego County, and access a list of mail ballot drop-off locations across the county (PDF).

imperial county voter info

Answer questions you have about voting in Imperial County, and access a list of mail ballot drop-off locations across the county (PDF).

learn more about your ballot

Find out more about what and who is on your ballot at Voter's Edge or Ballotpedia.


Get updates to learn when your ballot has been mailed, received, and counted. Now available for everyone in California. Track Your Ballot.

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Know Your Rights Voting Resources

These updated Know Your Rights Voting resources provide answers to some of the most common questions about voting.



Voting in California Jails: A Community Toolkit

The vast majority of adult citizens in California county jails have the right to vote. Even so, these voters experience unique obstacles and many are disenfranchised. This toolkit describes strategies that community advocates, county elections offices and sheriffs can use to break down barriers to democracy by helping people in county jails to register and vote.



Let Me Vote is a collaboration between ACLU of Northern California, ACLU of Southern California, and the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund, as well as our partners at the Alameda Public Defender’s Office, A New Way of Life Reentry Project, Legal Services for Prisoners with Children, Pillars of the Community, and the Santa Cruz County Elections Office.

Proposition and Measure Descriptions

Proposition 15: Yes
Vote for California schools and community services.
Vote YES on Prop 15 to reclaim $12 billion every year for California’s schools and critical local services by closing corporate commercial property tax loopholes – all while exempting homeowners, renters, small businesses and agricultural land owners with a combined value of $3 million or less.

Proposition 16: Yes
Vote to reinstate affirmative action in California.
Prop 16 would restore affirmative action in public education, public employment, and public contracting after a nearly 25-year ban. Today in California, many people are currently discriminated against in getting state contracts, employment, pay, and education based on who they are or where they come from. Vote YES on Prop 16 to directly address systemic racism and gender discrimination and ensure everyone in California has equal access to good jobs, good wages, and quality schools.

Proposition 17: Yes
Vote to restore voting rights for people reentering.
Prop 17 will restore voting rights to 50,000 people in California who are returning home after finishing their prison term. It allows them to reintegrate into society and have a say in our democracy. Vote YES on Prop 17 to help reverse a racist form of voter suppression that has plagued California since the era of Jim Crow segregation. It’s time to free the vote!

Proposition 18: Yes
Vote to give 17-year-olds a say on important issues affecting their lives.
Prop 18 will expand voting rights to 17-year-olds by allowing them to vote in a primary or special election if they will be 18 by the time of the next general election and are otherwise eligible to vote. This creates a more inclusive electoral process by providing these voters the opportunity to participate in a full election cycle rather than just the general election. Vote YES on Prop 18 to give 17-year-olds a say on important issues affecting their everyday lives. Let’s make our democracy more inclusive!

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Proposition 20: No
Vote to protect criminal justice reforms.
Prop 20 will dramatically increase the number of people incarcerated in our prisons and jails by restricting parole release and enacting one of the nation’s strictest laws for theft. Vote NO on Prop 20 to stop the police unions from ratcheting up the criminalization and oppression of Black and brown communities in California.

Proposition 21: Yes
Vote for rent control and affordable housing.
Prop 21 allows local communities to institute or expand rent control, which would limit rent increases and preserve affordable housing. California’s housing crisis impacts renters, homeowners, middle-income families, and low-income families alike. With increasing rent and stagnant wages, a raging pandemic, and evictions and homelessness on the rise, it’s never been more vital to protect renters. Vote YES on Prop 21 to prevent displacement and keep families housed!

Proposition 24: No
Vote NO on Prop 24 to reject a fake privacy law that benefits big companies and harms the privacy of vulnerable communities.
Prop 24 is a fake privacy law. Instead of increasing protections, it requires people to jump through more hoops and adds anti-privacy loopholes: exceptions for big business, less protection for workers, and more power for police. Prop 24 benefits big tech and corporate interests but leaves vulnerable communities the least protected. Privacy is a right for ALL Californians. Vote NO on Prop 24.

Proposition 25: Neutral
ACLUF-SDIC is NEUTRAL on Prop 25. This is because a YES vote would end discriminatory money bail but replace it with a system that perpetuates racism in pretrial detention; and a NO vote would maintain the current unjust system and make it more difficult to eliminate money bail. Neither path is just. We will continue the work necessary to build an equitable pretrial system.

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City of San Diego: Measure A: Yes
$900 million general bond measure for construction of affordable housing

City of San Diego: Measure B: Yes
Creates Citizen’s Review Board for oversight of the San Diego Police Department

Encinitas: Measure H: Yes
Authorizes commercial cannabis activities including retail sales, manufacturing and personal cultivation

Lemon Grove: Measure J: Yes
Creates a cannabis business tax with revenues going to the City’s general funds

Oceanside: Measure M: Yes
Creates a cannabis business tax with revenues going to the City’s general funds

Santee: Measure N: No
Requires voter approval for future changes to the City’s general plan that would impact residential density. This could severely affect affordable housing that relies on increased density

San Diego Unified School District: Measure C: Yes
Ensures local representation in school board elections by establishing true by- district elections allowing voters in each district to be the only ones who decide who represents their school board district

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