Alaska Public Service Workers Sticking Together for a Better Alaska!

Governor Dunleavy has mounted an attack on Alaskan public service workers - the very people that keep our communities running.

The lawsuit issued by Dunleavy claims the State of Alaska has the right to take over the administering of union membership for all state employee labor unions. With this power grab, the Governor wants to force state employees to go through a burdensome process in order exercise their First Amendment right to join a union.

The governor’s actions violate the very Supreme Court decision he cites as the basis for those actions. It is a gross overreach and a blatant violation of the law. It also completely disregards our contract with the State. This attempt to infringe on your right to be in a union is clearly part of Dunleavy’s larger agenda to slash public services and jobs.

That fight starts now! We will use our voice to stand up for the people we serve.

With the freedom to organize together -- we have the strength in numbers to improve our workplaces and make our communities stronger. With the freedom to join in union, we have the power to resist the $700 million in cuts to state government Dunleavy pledged for next year that threatens to cripple public services and cut jobs.

The best thing you can do right now is quite simple – and critically important.

We need your PERSONAL email address and a CELL number. We won’t inundate you with emails and texts. But without good contact information, we can’t reach you in the case of any urgent news.

Please complete the action in the right column.

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