Welcome to Troublemakers!

Well, you've probably always been a bit of a Troublemaker...

Thanks for joining us! Here are a few next steps:

Join the Signal Community

We have two text groups. Want to join them?

  • Updates: Hear the latest about Troublemakers on this announcements Signal thread. Click here to join.
  • Community: Connect with fellow Troublemakers on this discussion thread. Anything related to Troublemakers' work and building community is game here. Click here to join.

Join a Workgroup

Troublemakers is only as good as all the people who make it happen. Have some extra time and want to help organize social events, trainings, or actions? Are you good with comms/social media? Let us know if you have time and skillz and we'll plug you in. Send us an email at seattletroublemakers@gmail.com.


We're just getting started, so we need some cash for social gatherings, trainings, etc. Can you throw us a few bones? Donate here.

Can't wait to cause some good trouble with you!

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Seattle, WA