Biden: Stop Fossil Fuels & Declare a Climate emergency -- Joye Braun Day of Action 2023
This year, our movement and our world lost Joye Braun, a true warrior and force of nature. We are calling water protectors across Turtle Island to take action in Joye’s honor on January 20th - which is not only Biden’s second anniversary in office, but Joye’s birthday and the second anniversary of the end of the Keystone XL pipeline.
Sign up to host an event here or join an action already underway.
Joye was a fierce defender of Indigenous sovereignty, human rights, and environmental and climate justice. She played an instrumental role in stopping KXL, fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline, elevating the crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW), and more recently leading the campaign to pressure President Biden to stop fossil fuel projects and declare a climate emergency.
Joye dedicated her life to our movement and would want us to keep fighting - and that’s exactly what we’re going to do.
Join us in taking action against fossil fuels projects, in defense of Indigenous and human rights, and for Biden to declare a climate emergency!
In the words of Joye herself: “President Biden: Be a climate warrior not a wimp. Kill the black snakes, reject all fossil fuel projects and declare a climate emergency.”
See you in the streets.
and the People vs Fossil Fuels Coalition
P.s. If you are planning an action, please review the action toolkit for more resources and guidance:
* Note: not all events will be taking place on the 20th exactly. Please double check the date before signing up. Regardless, all actions surrounding the 20th will be apart of the "day of action".