11th Hour Strike for Climate

Start: 2021-10-14 11:00:00 UTC Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna (GMT+01:00)

End: 2021-10-14 11:01:00 UTC Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna (GMT+01:00)

This is a virtual event

Please take part EVERY WEEK in the #FridaysForFuture one-minute silent #11thHourForClimate 'strike'; at 11am Thursday, just stop wherever you are to imagine a better future.

Add a yellow pin to the Fridays For Future map here: https://map.fridaysforfuture.org
Afterwards, you can report your strike using your pin on the map. If you regularly report your pin will stay yellow; after 3 months of no reporting it will go grey as a 'historic' strike. Lots of yellow pins will encourage others to join the strike!

On the 20th August 2018, Greta Thunberg took a simple action that led to a global movement. She knew we were at the 11th hour in terms of taking action on climate change.

But governments around the world have still not acted to deal with the run-away climate crisis that faces us.

Democratic governments fear that they will not be re-elected if they take the necessary action. It is up to us, therefore – the public – to give our governments courage to act through constant, growing, collective action.

Join us for the ‘11th Hour Strike for the Climate’ for 1 minute at 11.00am local time every Thursday at the same time.

The logo explained: each line on the clockface is a year, coloured to show the average temperature. 1884 is at the bottom; 2018 is at the top. Data from the UK Met Office.  

Event by
Ewhurst , United Kingdom
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