1/28 NVDA Training
Start: Saturday, January 28, 2023• 1:30 PM
End: Saturday, January 28, 2023• 4:30 PM
Our lives are desperately dependent on fossil fuels. That’s how the system works. That’s how the system was built. And that’s how the system fails us.
Everyone knows about the dangers of CO2. But there is another greenhouse gas that is 80x more powerful at warming the planet than CO2, releases noxious air pollution into our homes, and can even explode. We're talking about methane gas. But there is good news - methane is much more short-lived than CO2 in the atmosphere, making it a crucial and effective target in the climate fight. Here in DC, Extinction Rebellion is in the midst of a massive, ongoing campaign to stop Project Pipes, a $4.5 billion investment in decades more of toxic methane infrastructure.
Traditional methods of demanding change such as voting and lobbying have not worked. Entrenched fossil fuel interests, like Project Pipes' parent company Washington Gas, will happily let the world burn for their profit. This is why we turn to Non-Violent Direct Action: We must use our collective power to stop business as usual and create a better future for all!
As the Project Pipes renewal is due in a few months from now in 2023, XRDC is going to turn on the heat. We will need courage. We will need love and sacrifice. We will need skills and community. Join us for a 3-hour, hands-on training to practice the skills needed to carry out effective actions. Whether you are new to the movement or just looking to brush up on your skills, now is the time to get involved as we ramp up the pressure on our gas campaign this spring!
Part of this training will be outside, so dress accordingly.