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Add an event for #DayWithoutImmigrants - #UnDiaSinInmigrantes!
On May 1st, Cosecha invites workers to leave the fields, the factories, the restaurants, and hotels to paralyze the economy and demonstrate the millions of dollars that immigrants contribute daily. We will not go to work. We will not go to school. We will not buy.
El primero de mayo, Cosecha invita a los trabajadores que dejen los campos, la maquilas, los restaurantes y los hoteles para paralizar la economía y demostrar los millones de dólares que los inmigrantes contribuyen a este país cada día.
No vamos a trabajar. No vamos a la escuela. No vamos a comprar.
Upload an image or banner below. Your image should be 1500px wide by any height (600px is suggested). It will be scaled to a final size of 750px wide.