West Midlands Accountability Assembly 2024

Start: Thursday, April 25, 2024 6:00 PM

End: Thursday, April 25, 2024 8:00 PM

On the evening of Thursday 25th April, amidst celebrating our diversity with powerful testimonies, communities from across our membership will come together to put specific asks on our priorities for Housing and Work to Andy Street (Conservative candidate for Mayor of the West Midlands) and Richard Parker (Labour candidate for Mayor of the West Midlands) and on Safety to Simon Foster (Labour candidate for West Midlands Police & Crime Commissioner).

This is not a public hustings event. Please click here for our basis for candidate invitations.

Our priorities have been developed by our membership over the course of the past 18 months through listening events, workshops and local action. We are seeking a 2-way accountable & positive relationship with whoever is elected into office on the 2nd of May to deliver on them.

If you are from a member organisation or have been sent a specific invitation as a guest, please join us then for what will be a moving evening of communities acting together for the common good and social justice.

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