3-15-21 Ohio Moral Monday and Poor People’s Campaign Legislative Demand Deliveries
Start: Monday, March 15, 2021•11:30 AM
End: Monday, March 15, 2021• 1:00 PM

Join the Ohio Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival on March 15th at 12pm-1pm ET for our news conference and demand delivery. Ohio will join with states around the country and Washington, DC to put our legislatures on notice. We won’t be silent as long as 34% of people in Ohio are poor or low-income—a total of 3.8 million residents. This includes 48% of children (1.2 million), 40% of women (2.3 million), 61% of Black people (860 thousand), 59% of Latinx people (256 thousand), and 33% of White people (2.9 million). Ohioans deserve policies addressing systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, militarism, and a distorted moral narrative keeping these systemic injustices intact hurting the poor and disenfranchised people of our state.
Date: March 15, 2021
Time: 12pm-1PM
Location: Ohio State House
Address: 1 Capital Square
Columbus, OH 43215
-11:30 ARRIVAL Location--!st Congregational Church parking lot
- 11:45-12:00--March to Capital Square
-12:00 Press Conference/Program begins
- 12:30 Press Conference/Program concludes.
- 12:30 Demand Delivery to State House
***Parking Directions: Free parking available at
1st Congregational Church
444 E. Broad St.
Columbus, OH 43215
For COVID-19 safety, we are asking that all participants wear double masks and remain at least 8ft apart at all times. Please note that Ohio PPC will have limited amounts of PPE to distribute to those attending. If you are feeling at all ill, even the slightest of symptoms we ask that you stay at home and watch this program online.
We stand united with folks across the country as they too deliver the Poor People’s Campaign 14 Policy Priorities to legislative leaders and governor at their state capitals. Together we are bringing attention to the impact of policies which promote systemic racism, poverty and inequality, the war economy and militarism, environmental devastation, and the corrupt moral narrative.
Join us March 15th!
For more information, contact Taron C. (419)902-6526 or email: ohio@poorpeoplescampaign.org