3/18 Games, Snacks, and Renters' Rights/Tenant Union Organizing @ Marmalade Library

Start: Saturday, March 18, 202311:00 AM

End: Saturday, March 18, 2023 2:30 PM

When: 3/18/23

Where: The Marmalade Branch Library (280 W. 500 N. Salt Lake City, UT 84103) in the Multi-Purpose Room.

Time: 11:00 AM - 2:30 PM

Event Description: Come play games, have some snacks, and learn about renters' rights/tenant union organizing in this event put on by the Democratic Socialists of Salt Lake (https://saltlakedsa.org/).

Parking: If you're unable to find parking you can use the complimentary parking lot behind the LDS Church located across the street to the south of the library at 225 W 500 N.

Zoom: Although the majority of this event will be us hanging out and playing games in person, if you'd like to attend the first part online to hear about renters' rights/tenant union organizing this is the zoom link to use: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89501200990?pwd=VFhRUzltaFNSSStJak5QbFBoSitoUT09

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