3/22 Durham Organizing Fair

Start: Saturday, March 22, 202510:00 AM

End: Saturday, March 22, 2025 1:00 PM

Location:Durham CCB Plaza201 Corcoran St, Durham, NC 27701 US

Host Contact Info: npcdsa@gmail.com

Come learn about organizing opportunities in our community! Make sure to RSVP in case the weather makes us cancel and so the organizations can follow up with you.

Public parking is available at the City of Durham lot, Manning Place Lot, Corcoran St. Garage, or Unscripted Durham Hotel. All of these are a short walk (1-5 min) from CCB plaza.

If your organization would like to participate, feel free to bring a table. These are just the orgs that have confirmed to attending.

Triangle Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

Triangle Tenants Union (TTU)

Durham Black Rose

Communist Party USA (CPUSA)

Triangle Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL)

Triangle Socialist Alternative (SA)

Starbucks Worker's United

Triangle Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP)

Durham People's Defense

Young Democratic Socialists of America at Durham School of the Arts (YDSADSA)

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