氣候起動 RISE for Climate
Start: Saturday, September 08, 2018• 2:30 PM
End: Saturday, September 08, 2018• 5:00 PM
9月8日(星期六),全球數以千計的城市會舉辦名爲Rise for Climate的活動,要求我們的領袖承諾極速去碳,建立一個沒有化石燃料的世界。「350香港」亦會響應號召,在下午2:30-3:30於中文大學康本國際學術園進行RISE氣候起動。届時2013年颱風海燕生還者John L. Chan,「350香港」聯合創辦人麥永開和前天文台助理台長梁榮武亦會值此機會,向傳媒表達我們的訴求。歡迎登記參與是次活動!
On 8 Sep (Sat), thousands of actions will be held in cities and towns around the world to demand our local leaders commit to building a fossil free world that works for all of us. 350HK would carry out the Rise for Climate Action at the Yasumoto Int'l Academic Park of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 2013 Typhoon Haiyan survivor John Chan, 350HK's Co-Founder Ringo Mak and Former Assistant Director of the Hong Kong Observatory Leung Wing-Mo will voice out our concern to the media. Kindly join us by signing up for the event!